Differences between Obes far from and close to Body
States close to the physical body | States far from the physical body |
Occult term for subtle body: ‘etheric body’ | Occult term for subtle body: ‘astral body’ |
The separation process is experienced consciously (often one is pulled back to the physical body again and again) | The separation process is not experienced consciously (one is ‘in the middle of the scene’ all of a sudden) |
The OBE is entered tactilely (via body perception) | The OBE is entered visually |
Duration: often very short only lasting few minutes | Long-lasting OBEs, from minutes up to hours (possibly with several waking phases in between) |
Body sensation: heavy floating or flying not or hardly possible | Body sensation: light floating and flying possible |
Mostly no vision (wrapped in blackness) | Very detailed, vivid and colorful vision |
Matter cannot or hardly be penetrated | Matter can be penetrated easily |
Emotions ‘normal’ like in everyday life | Emotional, often euphoric |
The surroundings near the body seem to be the same as in the physical | Unknown environment, sometimes strange places, seeming like another world or time |
When coming to a distance from about 5-50 meters from the physical body, the state changes to ‘astral state’ - it is possible to see, the body feels lighter etc. (or being pulled back into the physical body through the silver cord) | One stays in the astral body, never change to etheric state |
When concentrating on seeing, the state can change to astral state | When concentrating on the body, one still stays in the astral state |
Especially in medicine, there exists the opinion that all these happenings are occurring in our brains in a dream-like way. Representatives of dream research and of occult sciences are attacking each other with different arguments, but without any result. It is a battle between paradigms, as it is the case in many other ideological areas. However, sleep research – where this phenomenon is classified as lucid dream (LD) – has done very good science and provided methods with which a communication between test person and control person can be achieved. This works via eye movements which are performed in a manner agreed on before – mostly Yes/No answers (up/down and right/left movement of the eyes).
© Alfred Ballabene (Vienna) translated by Corra